chatting with cousin XinXin now on MSN..
seeing her on the 8th..
she'll b staying at our place for a week..
then will follow her back to JB..
yay..can't wait to see them lo..
**counting counting**
one more week to go
called dear Su just now..
she will be coming back to KL during weekends..
and Ag has a week of break..
then something hilarious still on my mind
goodness gracious..
last year we ma joined the uni bball competition..
this year they're planning to join again..
last year they used 'milkshake' as the team name..
but now they thinking of changing the name..
so was chatting with Aaron just now
he and another friend - Andrew came out with a range of name
from milkshake

because kiwi sounded more like New Zealand
so rambutan more Malaysia wor

because the guys always go there
then one with the name of 'tender crisp', another one is 'stunner deal'

but travel from dunno where to NZ to M'sia..
and back to Aus..
guys memang can crap de lo
but funny at the same time..
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